5 best ways to maximize your SAT Test Preparation during present circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic

Schools are shut, the SAT has been cancelled for May, the academic year is undecided and students are confused. All this unforeseen chaos has left students uncertain about their future. Particularly anxious are high school students in grades 11 and 12, who are planning to study abroad after finishing school. As most of you are aware, a good SAT score is a major prerequisite to get into a good university in the US, Canada, and even for top universities in the UK and Asia. A lot of you must be left wondering how to go about your SAT Test Preparation in this situation where major test preparation companies around the world who offer SAT coaching classes have been forced to shut their onsite operations due to the unexpected scenario that besets the world today.

This article would help SAT aspirants to utilize their time effectively to prepare for the SAT while staying within the safe comfort of their homes. Here are some important ways to prepare for the SAT while staying at home:

  1. Start with a SAT Practice Test: Before you begin your SAT Test Preparation, it is very important to know where you stand. To gauge your base level, take a reliable SAT Practice Test or a SAT diagnostic test that simulates the pattern and the difficulty level of the real SAT as closely as possible. Besides helping you figure out what the real SAT looks like, the score on the first SAT Practice Test would give you an idea of how much time you would need to reach your target SAT score. Moreover, the diagnostic SAT Practice Test would also help you get a macro idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can spend more time working on your weak areas. 

If you wish to take a free SAT Practice Test, contact ILM Prep or Visit Website- www.ilmprep.com

  • Identify the right SAT Preparation Courses: Although in-house SAT coaching classes are not functional in most parts of the world, including physical SAT classes in Kuwait, if you are aspiring to prepare for the SAT, you can take advantage of high quality instruction provided through live online SAT classes. SAT Preparation Courses that offer online tutoring can be highly effective in helping you learn the strategies, short-cuts, techniques, and concepts that would allow you to ace the SAT. And the best part about online SAT Preparation Courses is that you can stay indoors within your house and continue your preparation effectively at your convenience and flexibility without letting the shutdown affect your SAT Test Preparation or your future plans of higher studies.

ILM Prep has already taken the lead to help students in this critical situation by providing highly   effective online SAT classes in Kuwait. Our online study materials and virtual coaching methods have been designed by a highly experienced team of academic tutors and experts who have customized ILM Prep’s online SAT Preparation Courses particularly keeping in mind the level and learning pace of students in the Kuwait region. With ILM Prep’s successful and proven online SAT coaching classes, you can flexibly choose from a range of one on one online tutoring or small group online courses, where you get access to live instruction, recorded video lessons, 30+ SAT practice tests, and 2000+ SAT Practice questions to cover all the concepts tested on the SAT.  For more details about online SAT Classes in Kuwait, drop an email to [email protected].

  • Make a study plan: For a lot of you it may be confusing to plan how to go about your SAT Test Preparation. Whether you are prepping for the SAT on your own or taking help from online SAT Preparation Courses, it is imperative that you make a study plan and stick to it sincerely. Dedicate at least 2 hours daily to your SAT Test Preparation. Divide prep hours between Math and English studies. You can also alternate between reading and writing practice on alternate days for English, while in Math you can alternate between studying Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry and Functions on alternate days.
  • Improve your time management skills: Along with practicing concepts that are tested on the SAT, it is also important to work on your timing and stamina. An effective way of doing the same is to take SAT Practice Tests at regular intervals. Good quality practice tests that replicate the pattern of the actual SAT closely can help you improve your ability to concentrate for 4 hours (if you take the SAT with Essay, which is highly advisable) while also helping you improve your pacing skills.
  • Work on your reading skills:  While a lot of you are feeling bored at home with no school or outdoor activities to take part in, use this time to improve your reading skills for the SAT. A major hurdle for several SAT aspirants is the Reading Section on the SAT, which is not just tiringly long but is also challenging because of the diverse reading topics that students need to comprehend to answer questions. You can utilize the extra time at your disposal right now by reading up a variety of resource materials on which SAT Passages are based. These materials include Founding Documents of the American Constitution, Great Global Conversations featuring speeches by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Waldo Emerson, Abraham Lincoln and other world thinkers, Scientific Works of Charles Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould and other prominent scientists particularly renowned for their works on Evolution, Space, Particulate Matter and Genetics.

While it may not be realistically possible to read up on all possible topics covered in the SAT Passages, reading some of the above-mentioned materials can certainly enhance your understanding of these topics and more importantly, improve your reading speed for the SAT Reading section overall.

Hope these strategies would help boost your SAT preparation.

For any SAT/GMAT/GRE or university admission queries, visit www.ilmprep.com

Happy Learning!

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